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Here is a list of popular and useful websites for League of Legends statistics


This website provides in-depth statistics on individual players, including their win rate, KDA, and most frequently played champions. It also has a section for team statistics and a match history viewer.

League of Legends Esports

The official website for professional League of Legends tournaments, it provides statistics and information on teams, players, and matches.


This website provides a variety of statistics on professional players and teams, including win rates, pick and ban rates, and performance over time.

League of Graphs

This website provides a wide range of statistics on individual players and teams, including win rates, KDA, and item builds. It also has a section for champion statistics and a match history viewer.


This website provides build statistics and information on professional players, including their most frequently played champions and item builds.


This website provide information and statistics on the latest TFT meta, including champion, item and trait statistics, as well as guides and team comps.

These websites can be very useful for players looking to improve their gameplay, as well as for fans of professional League of Legends who want to stay up to date on the latest trends and statistics.

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